영어공부/원서읽기_투 챕터 16기,17기

투 챕터 북클럽 17기 [GRIT]_ 39-42p _ 9일차

KimKimKim123 2024. 7. 11. 10:25

-Those words rattled around in my mind for days. Finally, I dried my tears, stopped my cursing, and sat down at my computer. I opened the word processor and stared at the blinking cursor, realizing I hadn't gotten far beyond the basic observation that talent was not enough to succeed in life. I hadn't worked out how, exactly, talent and effort and skill and achievement all fit together.

-Talent is how quickly your skills improve when you invest effort. Achievement is what happens when you take your acquired skills and use them. Of course, your opportunities- for example, having a great coach or teacher- matter tremendously, too, and maybe more than anything about the individual.
