
하우위잉글리쉬 18

Anki 어플로 하우위 잉글리쉬 복습하기 2

이미 이전 블로그 포스팅에 Anki 어플 소개 및 간단한 사용법을 남기긴 했지만(유튜브 영상도 링크 걸어 둠.), 유튜브 영상을 안 보는 사람이 있을 수도 있기에... excel 파일로 sourc파일을 만들어서 어플에 집어넣는 과정을 좀 자세히 설명해보려고 한다.2024.06.02 - [영어공부/하우위 잉글리쉬 복습, Anki앱 사용] - Anki 어플로 하우위 잉글리쉬 강의 복습하기2024.07.05 - [영어공부/하우위 잉글리쉬 복습, Anki앱 사용] - 하우위 잉글리쉬로 영어 공부하기_유튜버 젠스토리 [3주 리스닝 챌린지] 참고로, 나는 최근에 삼성 갤럭시 S21에서 -> 아이폰 15로 바꿨는데, 알고보니 갤럭시에서 사용하는 play store(인가 그 어플 다운로드하는 곳)에서는 Ankidroi..

하우위잉글리쉬 [회사교육비지원] H과정 Part.02 (Blue plus-2)_17강

17강) What + S + V / what sby does 너 같은 사람이런 것들너희 같은 사람들원래같으면 내가 이런말 안 하겠지만Normally, I don't spend time withA guy like youThings like thisGuys like youNormally, I wouldn't ~저 원래, 이런 일은 하지 않아요He is not home from the gym yetUsually, u call us in the morningI don't usually do this kind of a jobSort of a jobThis is funnyMy fans don't normally do that U hate weddingsU never go왜 반지는 널 선택한걸까?The ring ne..

하우위잉글리쉬 [회사교육비지원] H과정 Part.02 (Blue plus-2)_16강

16강) 동사의 모양 / what sth does (기능) S V ~~~ make is making is made is being made have made have been making will make be going to make will have made made could make could have made would make would have made must make must have made 일반적으로 /보통 I go~ I make~ I take~ what is that? This is 망각의 차 이게 그거에요? 그거 효능이 뭐죠? Is that what this is? It makes you V ~~~ What does it do? 효능 -> what it does ->what do ..

하우위잉글리쉬 [회사교육비지원] H과정 Part.02 (Blue plus-2)_15강

15강) what / how S + V 어떻게 하는거야? How are u doing this? How do u do this? How is she doing that? 수학을 왜 바꾼거야? U are not supposed to do it that way This is not how u r supposed to do it They want us to do it this way I don't know that way Why would they change Math? This is not how u do it This is how u do it That is not how u eat it This is how u open it Let me show u how a real hero does it The Go..

하우위잉글리쉬 [회사교육비지원] H과정 Part.02 (Blue plus-2)_14강

14강) much, a lot / What are you, ~ ? 나는 그를 좋아한다 많이 I like him much(x) I like him so much I like him a lot He makes much money(X) He makes a lot of money I liked him a lot U like ~ a lot I know how much you like ~ while u work 니가 그럴 필요 없었어 U didn't have to do that U love ur job so much I know how much u love ur job some guys some guy some idiot just hit me this is going to cost a lot Do you reali..

하우위잉글리쉬 [회사교육비지원] H과정 Part.01 (Blue plus-1)_5강

5강) like that / how + S + V 나는 거기 버스로 갈거야 why are you talking about me like this? *get there *get to school I am gonna get there by bus 어떻게 거기 갈거야? 어떻게 여기 왔다고 했더라? How are you gonna get there? How did u get here? How did u say u got here? Don't hold it like that You shouldn't hold it like that That is not how u should hold it 나라면 그렇게 안 잡겠다 I wouldn't hold it like that That is not how I would hol..

하우위잉글리쉬 [회사교육비지원] H과정 Part.01 (Blue plus-1)_4강

4강) 의문사 + do you think / did you say ~ ? 우리 전화비로 내는 게 이거야? This is ~~ ? This is how much we pay for electric? 그가 얼마나 필요한 것 같냐? I think he needs 1500$ How much do u think he needs? What are u doing here? What do u think I am doing out here? Where do u think they are doing? where do u think XXX are right now? which one do u think is better? It is your fault It is our fault Whose fault is it??? Who..

하우위잉글리쉬 [회사교육비지원] H과정 Part.01 (Blue plus-1)_3강

3강) work for / go well / How much 여기 얼마 줘요? How much do you pay for this place? How much do u think I pay for this ~? -pay $ for rent How much do u think I paid for this? He works with me He works for Samsung He works for Kim He works for the government He works for FBI Who does he work for? Who are you working for? who do you work for? Who do you think I work for? 여기 제 자리에요 This is my seat I us..

하우위잉글리쉬 [회사교육비지원] H과정 Part.01 (Blue plus-1)_2강

2강) 의문사 + do you think S + V? / what + S + V 나 피자 점심으로 먹었어 점심으로 먹은 것 -have N for lunch I had pizza for lunch what did u have for lunch? what I had for lunch 삼겹살 먹을래? 아침으로 먹은게 그거야 that is what I had for breakfast what did u have for breakfast? you guys can probably guess What I had for breakfast 그가 소주 마시고 있어 그가 마시고 있는 것 I'll have 소주 he is having 소주 what he is having 저 마실게요 저 남자 마시고 있는 거 I will ha..

하우위잉글리쉬 [회사교육비지원] H과정 Part.01 (Blue plus-1)_1강

11강) I think / what + S + V 그가 나에게 주었다 이것을 생일선물로 This=그가 나에게 생일선물로 준 것 난 그것이 frying pan인줄 알았어 He gave me this He gave me this for my b'day 1 what he gave me for my b'day 2 의문문 What did he give you for ur b'day? I thought you were my age I thought you were a doctor 내가 생각했던 그것의 정체 선물을 열어봤는데 그건 내가 생각했던 것이 아니었다 I thought it was a ~~ What I thought it was It wasn't what I thought it was 그가 나에게 양말을 선물..
