
영어공부/하우위잉글리쉬_H과정 Part.02 (Blue plus-2) 13

하우위잉글리쉬 [회사교육비지원] H과정 Part.02 (Blue plus-2)_26강

26강) 의문사가 주어 / What kind of a 명사 끔찍한 일이 있었다무슨 일이 있었냐무슨 일이 있었던 것 같냐Sth terrible happened What happened? What do u think happened???나보고 어쩌란 거냐?나보고 어쩌라고 하는거야?What should I do??? What are u saying I should do?What are u saying happened?어떻게 그런일이 일어난거지?It happened like this How did it happen??? How did u cut yourself?How did u hurt yourself?어쩌다 그런 일이 일어났다 그랬지?How did u say that happened???이런 질문에 누가 예라..

하우위잉글리쉬 [회사교육비지원] H과정 Part.02 (Blue plus-2)_25강

25강) 의문사가 주어 / 의문사 + do you think + S + V ? 의문사 be S ~~~~~~~~~~?의문사 do/does/did/could/would S V~?누가 이겼어?I played tennis with Nick Who did u play tennis with??? He won Who did win? (X) I was in the office Where were u? I had this for lunch What did u have for lunch?? He wants cheerios Who wants cheerios?일어난 사건Sth terrible happened What happened??? What happened What would Obama do? That button la..

하우위잉글리쉬 [회사교육비지원] H과정 Part.02 (Blue plus-2)_24강

24강) ever NOT 나 잠 안 자I don't think u ever didI don't sleepever?나 배고프면 짜증나How will I ever finish?I get adj when I am hungry너 이 말 어떻게 할 거냐?How would u say that??? Tell us HOW U'D SAY IT IN ~ I get cranky when I am hungry Irritable너 이런 단어 쓰냐?Do u ever use this word? U never listen to meWhy don't u ever listen? 과연 이게 끝나긴 할까?Is this EVER gonna end???코로나새키끝나긴 할까?Is this EVER gonna end? Do they ever NO..

하우위잉글리쉬 [회사교육비지원] H과정 Part.02 (Blue plus-2)_23강

23강) ever의 쓰임 말이 겁나 많습니다너무 과하게She talks a lot She talks WAY too much그녀는 말하는 것을 멈추는 법이 없다She never stops talking그녀는 머리를 감는법이 없다그녀는 머리를 감는 법이 없는듯너 머리는 안 감냐?She never washes her hairI don't think she washes her hairNever - not + ever I don't think she ever washes her hair I don't think she ever V~~~Don't u ever wash ur hair???너 머리는 안 감냐?너 머리 감긴 하니?Don't u ever wash ur hair???Do u EVER wash ur hair?..

하우위잉글리쉬 [회사교육비지원] H과정 Part.02 (Blue plus-2)_22강

22강) Where S + V ~ / 가정법 그는 방에 있어그는 방에 있을수도 있어그가 어디 있을까Where are they??? He is in his room He could be in his room Where could he be??? Where do u think he could be? Do u know WHERE HE IS? She is supposed to be here She is not here She is not WHERE SHE IS SUPPOSED TO BE내가 straighten up my desk 해서 다행이다몰랐어 니가 사진 찍을 줄그래서 청소 안했어 (It is a) good thing S V~~~~~ Good thing I straightened up my desk some..

하우위잉글리쉬 [회사교육비지원] H과정 Part.02 (Blue plus-2)_21강

21강) 가정법 + would / would have PP 넌 나를 아주 많이 원망했을거다인간들 눈에 안 보인다니 다행이다많이 쪽팔릴텐데U would be ~~~~비 안와도 손님은 없어S V~~~~~ 저 사람이 아니면 더 많은 사람이 죽었을테니까WOULD HAVE PP~~~엄마가 알면 , 깜짝 놀랄걸요If u knew, U would be ~~~~잘 풀리면 , 여기 안 있지 가게 앉아서 돈 세고 있지I wouldn't be here if ~~~소송은 이겼어?(만약 ) 졌으면 , 퇴근 못했어I wouldn't have PP~~~찾으러 간건 찾았어?Did u get WHAT U WANTED? Did u find WHAT U WERE LOOKING FOR?말해도 못 믿을걸요U wouldn't believe i..

하우위잉글리쉬 [회사교육비지원] H과정 Part.02 (Blue plus-2)_20강

20강) This is 의문사 ~ 동사모양나의 계획을 알려줄게내가 피자 시켜서 그녀에게 flirt 할 거야I will show you 내가 얼마나 flirt 잘 하는지Flirt U know WHAT I AM GONNA DO??? I am gonna V~~~~~ When she gets here, I will show you HOW GOOD I AM AT ~ I will show you HOW WELL I FLIRT Here is ~~~ This is ~~~~ I am good at making friends I'll make my own herd That is What I'll doBrother가 하는게 그거잖아I am looking out for you -look out for sby That is W..

하우위잉글리쉬 [회사교육비지원] H과정 Part.02 (Blue plus-2)_19강

19강) have got to (= gotta)  * S Have to V~~~~~ * S have (got) to V~~~~ You've got to try this Do sth I've gotta do sth U've gotta help us We have to talk about this Joey thing I am over it * be over sth * get over sth You have got to GET OVER THIS ~~~ THING가서 설거지라도 해야겠다Shame on you He would never do that U have got to trust me on this U've gotta get out of here I gotta go wash sth Let's go eat U..

하우위잉글리쉬 [회사교육비지원] H과정 Part.02 (Blue plus-2)_18강

18강) should넌 그에게 진실을 말하는게 좋겠어나 어떡하지나 어떡해 You should tell him the truth What should I do???아버지에게 말씀은 드렸니말 해야해아니 . 말 했어야 했나Have u told ur dad?? Should I? No. Should I have??? Do I know you? Should I know you?불편해야 되는거야어흥이라고 했어야 했나It doesn t bother you???? Should it? No it doesn't. Should it? Should I have said ~~~?제가 뭘 봤어야 했죠U should have seen ~~~What should I have seen? What else was in there? Wha..

하우위잉글리쉬 [회사교육비지원] H과정 Part.02 (Blue plus-2)_17강

17강) What + S + V / what sby does 너 같은 사람이런 것들너희 같은 사람들원래같으면 내가 이런말 안 하겠지만Normally, I don't spend time withA guy like youThings like thisGuys like youNormally, I wouldn't ~저 원래, 이런 일은 하지 않아요He is not home from the gym yetUsually, u call us in the morningI don't usually do this kind of a jobSort of a jobThis is funnyMy fans don't normally do that U hate weddingsU never go왜 반지는 널 선택한걸까?The ring ne..
